CR transport in the ISM: role of self-generated turbulence, large-scale injected turbulence, direct and indirect observations, modelling and phenomenology, link to dark matter detection
CR transport in the ISM: role of self-generated turbulence, large-scale injected turbulence, direct and indirect observations, modelling and phenomenology, link to dark matter detection
CR transport in the ISM: role of self-generated turbulence, large-scale injected turbulence, direct and indirect observations, modelling and phenomenology, link to dark matter detection
› Cosmic rays in the superwinds of starburst galaxies - Ana Laura Müller, Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomía, Institut für Kernphysik, Karlsruhe Institut of Technology, Instituto de Tecnologı́as en Detección y Astropartı́culas
17:20-17:45 (25min)