4th CRISM conference

Cosmic Rays and the InterStellar Medium

25 - 29 June 2018
Grenoble (France)

Non-linear diffusion of cosmic rays escaping from supernova remnants
Lara Nava  1, *@  , Stefano Gabici  2@  , Alexandre Marcowith  3@  , Giovanni Morlino  4@  , Vladimir Ptuskin  5@  , Sarah Recchia  6@  
1 : Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera  (INAF)
Via E Bianchi 4623807 Merate (LC) -  Italy
2 : AstroParticule et Cosmologie  (APC - UMR 7164)  -  Website
CEA, Université Paris VII - Paris Diderot, Observatoire de Paris, IN2P3, CNRS : UMR7164
APC - UMR 7164, Université Paris Diderot, 10 rue Alice Domon et Léonie Duquet, case postale 7020, F-75205 Paris Cedex 13 -  France
3 : Laboratoire Univers et particules de Montpellier
Université Montpellier - CNRS
F-34095 Montpellier -  France
4 : Gran Sasso Science Institute  (GSSI)
Viale F. Crispi 7, 67100 L'Aquila, Italy -  Italy
5 : Pushkov Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation  (IZMIRAN)  -  Website
Troitsk, 108840 Moscow, Russian Federation -  Russia
6 : AstroParticule et Cosmologie  (APC - UMR 7164)  -  Website
Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7, Observatoire de Paris, Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS, Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives : DRF/IRFU, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique : UMR7164
APC - UMR 7164, Université Paris Diderot, 10 rue Alice Domon et Léonie Duquet, case postale 7020, F-75205 Paris Cedex 13 -  France
* : Corresponding author

The escape mechanism of cosmic rays (CR) from supernova remnants and their propagation around their sources remain an open issue. In fact the problem is highly nonlinear, since CRs excite the magnetic turbulence that confines them close to their sources. We study CR propagation accounting for amplification of magnetic turbulence via streaming instability. Since the environment determines the relevant mechanisms for wave damping, different results are found in different phases of the interstellar medium. In the warm phases, ion-neutral friction causes a severe wave damping, while in the hot phase the nonlinear Landau and turbulent dampings are the most effective. It is found that streaming instability affects the propagation of CRs in all phases. In the warm phases, the diffusion coefficient can be suppressed by more than a factor of 2 up to few tens of pc around the remnant. The propagation of ~ 10 GeV particles is affected for several tens of kiloyears after escape, while ~ 1 TeV particles are affected for few kiloyears. Those values are generally 2-3 times larger in the hot phase. All this might have a great impact on the interpretation of gamma-ray observations of molecular clouds near supernova remnants.

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